Most of my research is also available on my Google Scholar Page, my SSRN Author page, or my IDEAS/RePEc Author page.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0831-9473
- “Having a Chance to Present: Causal Effect of Conference Attendance on Cites and Publications”, with Carlos Sanz and Perihan Saygin (in progress)
- “Income Uncertainty and Non-linear Dynamics: A Subjective Expectations Framework“, with Henrique S. Basso , Olympia Bover, and Julio Galvez (in progress)
- “Lifetime Income Inequality and Mobility in Spain”, with Ignasi Merediz Solà (in progress)
- “Survey on the Work Environment in Economics”, with Maria Cubel and Judit Vall, December 2024
- “Gender and Career Progression: Evidence from the Banco de España”, with Olympia Bover and Ana Lamo, Banco de España WP 2443 November 2024
- “Gender gaps in financial literacy: a multi-arm RCT to break the response bias in surveys”, with Nagore Iriberri and Margarita Machelett. Banco de España WP 2401 January 2024, CEPR DP 18646, IZA 16628. Last revised October 2024
- “Fathers’ Time-Use while on Paternity Leave: Childcare or Leisure?”, with Libertad González and Luis Guirola. BSE Working Paper 1463 September 2024
- “The numbers of equality regulation. Quantifying regulatory activity on non-discrimination and its relationship with gender gaps in the labour market”, with Juan S. Mora-Sanguinetti and Andrés Atienza-Maeso. Banco de España WP 2320 July 2023
- “Urban Air Pollution and Sick Leaves: Evidence from Social Security Data”, with Felix Holub and Ulrich Wagner. Banco de España WP 2041 December 2020. Last revised August 2021. BdE Research Update: Feature
- “Finance for All: The Impact of Financial Literacy Training in Compulsory Secondary Education in Spain”, with Ernesto Villanueva and Gema Zamarro. Banco de España WP 1502 January 2015, IZA DP 8902
- “To be or not to be (employed): two decades of fluctuating earnings and income inequality in Spain”, with Brindusa Anghel, Julio Ortega and Ana V. Regil. Fiscal Studies, 45 (3), 415-428, 2024, DOI:
- “Family and Career: An Analysis across Europe and North America”, with Luis Guirola and Andrea Weber. Fiscal Studies, 45 (2), 243-257, 2024, DOI:
- “The Impact of High School Financial Education on Financial Knowledge and Saving Choices: Evidence from a Randomized Trial in Spain”, with Olympia Bover and Ernesto Villanueva. Journal of Human Resources, 2024, published online before print, DOI: Banco de España WP 1801 January 2018, CEPR DP12632, IZA DP 11265. Online appendix. BdE Research Update: Feature
- “Dual Returns to Experience”, with Jose Garcia-Louzao and Alessandro Ruggieri. Labour Economics, 80, 102290, 2023, DOI: Banco de España WP 2211 March 2022, Lietuvos bankas WP 102, IZA DP 14596. BdE Research Update: Feature. Media coverage (in Spanish): El Confidencial. 2nd prize of the 2024 Lluís Fina Award
- “Income Risk Inequality: Evidence from Spanish Administrative Records”, with Manuel Arellano, Stéphane Bonhomme, Micole De Vera, and Siqi Wei. Quantitative Economics, 13 (4), 1747-1801, 2022, DOI: Banco de España WP 2136 September 2021. Last revised July 2022. Replication files: Github’s link. Media coverage (in Spanish): El Confidencial.
- “The Gender Promotion Gap: Evidence from Central Banking”, with Luc Laeven and Ana Lamo , Review of Economics and Statistics, 104(5), 981–996, 2022, DOI: Banco de España WP 1915 April 2019, CEPR DP13678, ECB Working Paper Series 2265, IZA DP 12306. BdE Research Update: Feature. CEPR eBook: chapter. ECB Research Bulletin: article. Media coverage: El Diario (in Spanish), El País (in Spanish), New York Times. NEG Non-technical summary of the paper (in Spanish): nadaesgratis 2022. Vox EU: article
- “The Child Penalty in Spain”, with Alicia de Quinto and Carlos Sanz, SERIEs – Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, 12, 585–606, 2021, DOI: Media coverage (in Spanish): ABC, El Confidencial, El Diario, El Mundo, El País, La Vanguardia, Twitter, and more.
- “Gender Gaps in the Evaluation of Research: Evidence from Submissions to Economics Conferences”, with Carlos Sanz, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 83(3), 590-618, 2021, DOI: Banco de España WP 1918, IZA DP 12494. CEPR eBook: chapter. Media coverage: EEA Media Briefings, El Diario (in Spanish), NEG (in Spanish), New York Times, Times Higher Education
- “Income, Consumption and Wealth Inequality in Spain”, with Brindusa Anghel, Henrique S. Basso, Olympia Bover, Jose Maria Casado, Mario Izquierdo, Ivan A. Kataryniuk, Aitor Lacuesta, José Manuel Montero and Elena Vozmediano-Peraita, SERIEs – Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, 9(4), 351-387, 2018, DOI:
- “The Cycle of Earnings Inequality: Evidence from Spanish Social Security Data”, with Stéphane Bonhomme, Economic Journal, 127(603), 1244–1278, 2017, DOI: Banco de España WP 1225 2012, CEMFI WP 1209, IZA DP 6669. LSE Business Review: article. Media coverage (in Spanish): La Vanguardia. NEG Non-technical summary of the paper (in Spanish): nadaesgratis 2012, nadaesgratis 2017 (with results for a longer time period) Vox EU: article
- “The Public Sector Wage Premium in Spain: Evidence from Longitudinal Administrative Data”, with Enrique Moral-Benito. Labour Economics, 42, 101–122, 2016, DOI: Banco de España WP 1422 2014, IZA DP 8315. Media coverage (in Spanish): El Confidencial. NEG Non-technical summary of the paper (in Spanish): nadaesgratis
- “Wage Dynamics in the Presence of Unobserved Individual and Job Heterogeneity”. Labour Economics, 33, 81-93, 2015, DOI: Previously circulated under the title “Job Changes and Individual – Job Specific Wage Dynamics”. Banco de España WP 0907 2009, IZA DP 5088
- “Retirement patterns of couples in Europe”, with Gema Zamarro, IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 3:12, 2014, DOI:
- “Earnings Inequality in Spain: New Evidence Using Tax Data”, with Stéphane Bonhomme, Applied Economics, 45, 4212-4225, 2013, DOI:
- “Estimating Nonlinear Models with Multiple Fixed Effects: A Computational Note”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 74(5), 760-775, 2012, DOI:
- “Modelling Heterogeneity and Dynamics in the Volatility of Individual Wages”, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 27, 386-414, 2012, DOI:
- “Gender differences in Wage Growth and Job Mobility of Young Workers in Spain”, Investigaciones Económicas, 33(1), 5-37, 2009. Published paper January 2009.
- Laura Hospido discussion of: “Women in politics during COVID”, Economic Policy, Volume 39, Issue 120, October 2024, Pages 811–812.
- “The Spanish Productivity Puzzle”, Productivity Puzzles Across Europe, edited by Philippe Askenazy, Lutz Bellmann, Alex Bryson, and Eva Moreno Galbis, Oxford University Press, ISBN: 9780198786160, Chapter 8, with Eva Moreno Galbis, 2016.
- SERIEs Special Issue in Honor of Manuel Arellano, Issue editor together with Stéphane Bonhomme, Volume 14, issue 3-4, 2023.
- Gender Economics, Estudios de Economía Aplicada, Volume 34-1, ISSN: 1133-3197 (Print) 1697-5731 (Online), 2016.
In English:
- “Air Pollution: a review of its economic effects and policies to mitigate them”, with Carlos Sanz and Ernesto Villanueva, Documentos Ocasionales, Banco de España, January 2023
- “The Challenge of Measuring Digital Platform Work”, with Marina Gómez García, Artículos Analíticos, Banco de España, January 2022
- “The gender gap in financial competences”, with Sara Izquierdo and Margarita Machelett, Analytical Articles, Banco de España, March 2021
- “The Child Penalty in Spain”, with Alicia de Quinto and Carlos Sanz, Documentos Ocasionales, 2017, Banco de España, July 2020. Media coverage (in Spanish): ABC, El Confidencial,, El Mundo, El País, La Vanguardia, Twitter, and more
- “Income, Consumption and Wealth Inequality in Spain”, with Brindusa Anghel, Henrique S. Basso, Olympia Bover, Jose Maria Casado, Mario Izquierdo, Ivan A. Kataryniuk, Aitor Lacuesta, José Manuel Montero and Elena Vozmediano-Peraita, Documentos Ocasionales, 1806, Banco de España, May 2018
- Measuring financial competences in a large-scale survey: the Spanish Survey of Financial Competences with Josep Amer-Mestre, Olympia Bover, and Ernesto Villanueva, The role of data in supporting financial inclusion policy, Proceedings of the Bank of Morocco – CEMLA – IFC Satellite Seminar at the 61st ISI World Statistics Congress, Marrakech, Morocco, 14 July 2017
- “Pension reform and couples’ joint retirement decisions”, IZA World of Labor, 142, April 2015
- “Earnings Inequality in Spain”, with Stéphane Bonhomme, Intereconomics, Review of European Economic Policy, Volume 48, Number 6, November/December 2013
In Spanish:
- “Los números de la regulación sobre igualdad. Cuantificación de la actividad normativa sobre no discriminación en España y su relación con las brechas de género en el mercado de trabajo”, with Juan S. Mora-Sanguinetti and Andrés Atienza-Maeso, Documento de Trabajo 2320, Banco de España, July 2023
- “El reto de la medición del trabajo en plataformas digitales”, with Marina Gómez García , Artículos Analíticos, Banco de España, January 2022
- “Trabajo en plataformas digitales: ¿una oportunidad para la oferta laboral femenina?”, with Iria Dios Murcia, Yolanda Pena-Boquete, and Concepción Román, Mujer y economía: igualdad, oportunidades y retos, Información Comercial Española, 921, August 2021, DOI:
- “Diferencias de género en competencias financieras”, with Sara Izquierdo and Margarita Machelett, Artículos Analíticos, Banco de España, March 2021
- “¿Qué sabemos sobre el efecto del tipo de jornada escolar en el rendimiento académico?”, with Laura Crespo, Martín Fernández, and José Montalbán Castilla, Indicadores comentados sobre el estado del sistema educativo español, Fundación Ramón Areces y Fundación Europea Sociedad y Educación, 2019
- “La desigualdad de la renta, el consumo y la riqueza en España”, with Brindusa Anghel, Henrique S. Basso, Olympia Bover, Jose Maria Casado, Mario Izquierdo, Ivan A. Kataryniuk, Aitor Lacuesta, José Manuel Montero and Elena Vozmediano-Peraita, Documentos Ocasionales, 1806, Banco de España, May 2018
- “Educación y conocimientos financieros: Una panorámica”, with Ernesto Villanueva, Artículo de Boletín Económico, Banco de España, April 2016
- “La productividad laboral en España durante la Gran Recesión”, Artículo de Boletín Económico, Banco de España, May 2015
- “Algunos determinantes de las diferencias salariales entre los sectores público y privado en España”, with Enrique Moral-Benito, Artículo de Boletín Económico, Banco de España, February 2015
- “Decisiones de jubilación interdependientes”, with Gema Zamarro, Artículo de Boletín Económico, Banco de España, April 2014
- “Dispersión salarial en España: Resultados a partir de datos de la Seguridad Social”, with Stéphane Bonhomme, Artículo de Boletín Económico, Banco de España, October 2012
- “El ajuste de las plantillas de las empresas españolas: el papel de los despidos por causas objetivas”, with Juan Francisco Jimeno, Artículo de Boletín Económico, Banco de España, February 2011
- “La Economía de Género: un campo de investigación en expansión”, Artículo de Boletín Económico, Banco de España, September 2009
In Galician:
- “O ciclo da desigualdade salarial e o papel do mercado da vivenda”, Revista Galega de Economía, 27(3), 29-34, 2018, DOI: